Over the horizon
December 2022
Acrylic on painters paper
Description of the painting
I might not have visited my great aunt that often, but she had a special place in my heart. Maybe because we share the same name, but most likely due to her friendly and caring nature. We shared a love for the colour blue.
So when she passed on I knew two things for certain. First, that I would make her once last floral piece. Secondly, that the image that came to me earlier that week would be come a commemorative piece. Going to the beach had become almost synonymous with visiting her. The scene in the dunes was therefore very fitting. The big post is seemingly blocking my access to the path leading over the dunes. It felt like a visual representation of Mattijn Buwalda’s song Nog één rivier. It is a song about saying goodbye and uses the image of reaching the promised land by crossing one last river. But as for now, just like me, he gets to go to the edge of the water but does not get to cross yet. We have to turn around and remain on the other side for now. One day I’ll get to go join her at the sea again on the other side of this dune top.